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KOSUN KSMR Mud Recovery System plays an important role in directional crossing

Jun 17, 2024

With the increasing of horizontal directional crossing technology and the stricter requirements of national environmental protection policies, the HDD Mud Recovery system also has higher requirements. Horizontal directional crossing solid control equipment is mainly reflected in oil and gas pipelines crossing rivers, lakes, traffic arteries, railway hubs and other obstacles. The principle and technical method of horizontal directional crossing solid control for the control of solid particles in the mud also have a variety of separation technical means.

Environmental protection is a sensitive topic for us for a long time. Because the horizontal directional drilling mud contains many harmful substances and has high value, the mud recovery in the horizontal directional crossing system is the owner's requirement for construction. Horizontal directional crossing construction units have purchased mud solid phase control equipment, the waste mud solid phase separation and reuse, waste into treasure has achieved considerable economic benefits, but also promote the development of domestic horizontal directional crossing mud solid control system.

Horizontal directional crossing in the domestic and even the world development time is not long, there is no own perfect system in drilling and mud, to a large extent, the oil field process system is improved after absorption and application. In China, the solid phase separation method of horizontal directional passing through mud is similar to that of oil field. There are three main methods: dilution, precipitation and mechanical removal. In view of the difference between horizontal directional crossing mud and petroleum drilling fluid, our company has carried out detailed analysis and carried out a large number of field studies and tests, and successfully developed a horizontal directional crossing solid control system specially designed for horizontal directional crossing system.
At present, the horizontal directional crossing mud solid control recovery system used in China is half of the domestic and imported, and the imported ones are mainly small and matched with the import of drilling RIGS. The domestic ones are mainly large ones, which are formulated according to the needs of users.
Depending on the construction environment, the type and size of particles that need to be removed or suppressed, and the quality requirements of the mud that needs to be maintained through are also different. Our company can configure reasonable and reliable solid control system for customers according to the actual working environment needs and combined with the company's previous successful cases.

KOSUN- China Solids Control Leader&Drilling Waste Management Expert
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Contact person:Stella Xiang
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